Configuring a run of a JMeter test

After you added the test resources that you created in JMeter to the server project, you can configure a JMeter test to be run on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) or a remote Kubernetes cluster.

You must have completed the following tasks:
Important: You can run the JMeter tests only on the default cluster of Test Hub or a remote Kubernetes cluster. You cannot run the JMeter tests on remote agents or remote Docker hosts that are registered with Test Hub.
  1. Log in to Test Hub.

    The Projects page of the initial team space is displayed.

  2. Open the project that contains the test assets, and then click Execution.
  3. Select the branch of the repository that contains the test assets.
    The test assets that are contained in the selected branch of the repository are displayed in the following tabs on the Execution page:
    Tab Description
    SUITES Lists all suites, Compound Tests, JMeter tests, JUnit tests, Postman tests, Rate Schedules, Selenium tests, or VU Schedules that are in the selected branch of the repository.
    TESTS Lists all API tests, functional tests, or performance tests that are in the selected branch of the repository.
    ADVANCED Lists all assets that are displayed when custom filters are applied for assets in the selected branch of the repository.
  4. Select the tab based on the type of test assets that you want to run as indicated in the following table:
    If... Then...

    You want to run AFT Suites, API Suites, Compound Tests, JMeter tests, JUnit tests, Postman tests, Rate Schedules, Selenium tests, or VU Schedules.

    Click the SUITES tab.

    You want to run an individual API test, functional test, or performance test.

    Click the TESTS tab.

    You want to find Suites and tests by using custom filters, and then run Suites and tests.

    Click the ADVANCED tab.

    The test assets in the selected tab are displayed.

  5. Identify the test asset that you want to run by performing any of the following actions:
    • Scroll through the list.
      Tip: You can hover over the icon in the Type column to know the type of the test asset.
      Note: You can also identify the type of the asset from the icon that represents the test type as shown in the following table:
      Icon Represents Listed in the SUITES tab Listed in the TESTS tab Listed in the ADVANCED tab
      API test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Functional test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Performance test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      AFT Suite image of checkmark image of checkmark
      API Suite image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Compound Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      HCL® AppScan CodeSweep image of checkmark image of checkmark
      JMeter Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      JUnit Test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Postman test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      Rate Schedule image of checkmark image of checkmark
      image of the selenium test icon Selenium test image of checkmark image of checkmark
      VU Schedule image of checkmark image of checkmark
    • Search for the test asset by entering any text contained in the test asset name in the Search field.
    • Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the SUITES or TESTS tab to filter the displayed assets based on the asset type.

      For example, select API Suite in the SUITES tab to display all API Suites or select Functional Test in the TESTS tab to display all functional tests that are in the selected branch of the repository.

    • Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the ADVANCED tab, and then create a filter query by using the New filter option by performing the following steps:
      1. Click New filter.
      2. Enter a name for the filter.
      3. Select an operator, and then add a rule or a group of rules.
      4. Add or enter the relevant parameters and either select or enter the condition and the criteria for the condition.
        You can select a parameter from the following list:
        • Type
        • Test Asset Name
        • Test Asset Path
        • Last Result
        • Next Run
        • Components
      5. Save the filter query to save and apply the filter query to filter the assets based on the query.

        The test assets that match the filter criteria are displayed.

    • Retrieve and apply a saved filter query, if you have saved filter queries previously by performing the following steps:
      Note: The filter query applied previously is selected and the assets based on that filter query are displayed. To apply a different filter query, you must have created and saved the filter query.
      1. Click the Filter icon Image of the filter icon in the ADVANCED tab.

        The filter queries that you created and saved are displayed.

      2. Click the filter that you want to apply.

        The test assets that match the filter criteria are displayed.

    You have identified the test asset that you want to run.

    Clicking the test name displays the Details panel. You can view the details of the test such as the description, the branch in the repository that contains the asset, the Git details, and the details of the commits to the repository. You can also view the history of the test runs for the specific test under the History tab of the Details panel.

  6. Click the Execute icon Image of the icon. in the row of the identified test asset.
    The Execute test asset dialog is displayed.
    • If you have configured some or all of the settings for the current test run, and you do not want to continue with those settings, you can reset the settings by clicking Reset.

    • If you want to repeat a test run and do not want to use the saved settings from a previous run, you can reset all the saved settings to their default values by clicking Reset.

  7. Select the version of the test resources that you want to run by completing any of the following actions:
    • Expand the list in the Version field, find the version of the test resources, and then select the version.
      Use the following details about the version of the test resources that are displayed to identify the version that you want:
      • Commit message.
      • Tags labeled by the user for the version committed.
      • The user who committed the version to the repository.
      • Relative time of the commit. For example, 2 hours ago or 3 days ago.

      The list displays the versions of the test resources committed by all users to the branch in the repository. The versions are arranged with the latest version that is committed, and then followed by the versions committed previously.

    • Expand the list in the Version field, and then search for the version that you want to select by entering a partial or the complete commit message of that version.

      The version that matches the search criteria is displayed and it is selected for the test run.

  8. Select the time for scheduling the test run from the following options:
    • No action is required if you want to initiate the test run immediately after you click Execute.
      Important: Click Execute only after you have configured the other settings in this dialog.
      Note: The default time for scheduling a run is Now.
    • Select Schedule and perform the following actions if you want to schedule a single test run or configure recurring test runs:
      Schedule Actions
      A single test run
      Perform the following steps:
      1. Click the Calendar icon Image of the calendar icon. in the row of the Start field.
      2. Select the date.
      3. Select the time at which the test run must start.
      4. Select the Never option in the Repeat every field.
      5. Click Save.

      The test run is scheduled to run at the selected time on the scheduled date.

      Recurring test runs
      Perform the following steps:
      1. Click the Calendar icon Image of the calendar icon. in the row of the Start field.
      2. Select the date.
      3. Select the time at which the test run must start.
      4. Set the frequency at which the test runs must run by entering the number in the Repeat every field, and then select the period from the list. You can select from the following options:
        • Minute
        • Hour
        • Day
        • Week
        • Month

        For example, if you want the test run to be run every day at the set time, enter 1 and, then select the Day(s) option.

        You can also schedule the test to run at the set time on specific weekdays by selecting the Week(s) option. For example, the following image displays the days selected for the test runs as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:
        Image of the weekday selection for recurring test runs
      5. Set the option to end the recurring test runs from the following options:
        • Select the Never option, if you do not want the recurring test runs to end.
        • Select the On option, and then click the Calendar icon Image of the calendar icon.. You can select the date and time after which the scheduled test runs do not run.
      6. Click Save.

      The recurring test runs are scheduled to start the first run at the selected time on the scheduled date, and to repeat the run at the frequency that you set.

  9. Enter a label for the test run that helps you to identify the test on the Results page.

    After the test run completes, the label that you entered is displayed for the test under the Labels column on the Results page. After you have created a label, any member of the project can use that label.

    The default value for the Label field is null or an empty field.

    Important: The configuration that you set for the test run in the Execute test asset dialog is preserved when you run the same test again. Those changes are not visible when another user logs in to Test Hub. For example, if you created new variables on the server, those variables are available only for you when the same test is run again.

    If you want to run the test immediately or at the scheduled time, click Execute, or continue with the next step.

  10. Click Advanced to make the following advanced configurations:
    1. Enter any JVM arguments that must be passed to the test run at run time in the JVM Arguments field, if applicable for the test.

      For example, you can set a maximum Java heap size.

    2. Enter program arguments that must be passed to the test run at run time in the Program Arguments, if applicable for the test.

    For example, enter -J to override any JMeter property that is defined in the properties file.

    Note: You must separate the arguments or variables with a white space when you enter them in the same line or start each argument or variable on a new line.

    The default value for each of the fields for the advanced settings is null or an empty field.

    If you want to run the test immediately or at the scheduled time, click Execute, or continue with the next step.

  11. Follow the instructions if you want to export the test results to a Jira issue in your Xray project in Jira:
    1. Click the RESULTS tab.
    2. Perform the actions listed in the following table to select an option to export the test results:
      Export options Results in... Actions

      Jira Xray

      The test results of the test that you configure for a run are exported to the selected issue after the test run is completed. The results are exported to the selected issue that exists in your Xray project in Jira.

      Perform the following steps:
      1. Select the Jira Xray option.

        The Select issue field is displayed.

      2. Click the field to view the list of issues in the Xray project in Jira. Alternatively, you can enter the issue key in the Jira Xray project.
      3. Select the issue to which you want to export the test results.
      4. Continue with the next step.

      New Jira item

      The test results of the test that you configure for a run are exported to a new Jira issue. The issue is created in your project in Jira after the test run is completed.

      Perform the following steps:
      1. Select the New Jira item option.
      2. Continue with the next step.


      The test results are not exported.
      Note: This export option is the default option.
      Perform the following steps when:
      • You do not want to export the test results.
      • You selected a Jira issue in a previous run of the same test, and you do not want to export the results of the current run.
      1. Select the None option.
      2. Continue with the next step.
  12. Follow the instructions if you want to change the location of a Kubernetes cluster for running the test:
    1. Click the LOCATION tab, if it is not already open.
      The Default Cluster is the default location where the test runs, and it is listed under the Host column. The information about the availability of the default location is displayed.
      Important: You must have added the registered remote Kubernetes clusters to your project that are then displayed under the Override column:
      • If the remote clusters are not added to your project, the option No override options is displayed as the default value and the test runs in the Kubernetes cluster of Test Hub.
      • If remote clusters are added to your project, the added clusters are displayed along with their availability status and ownership information.
    2. Select the location where you want to run the test asset from the following options:
      • Select the Default Cluster when no remote clusters are available in your project.
      • Select the remote cluster from the list when a remote cluster is available in your project.
      • Select No override options, if you selected any remote cluster and want to revert to the Default Cluster to run the test asset.
    3. Click Execute.

      The test run is initiated.

You have started or scheduled a test run of a JMeter test.
You can perform any of the following tasks: