Viewing remote Kubernetes clusters
You can view the clusters that you have registered with a team space on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub) to view their details or edit their configurations.
You must have completed the following tasks:
- Read and completed the tasks mentioned in Considerations for using a remote Kubernetes cluster, if you want to use a remote Kubernetes cluster as a location to run the test.
- Registered a remote Kubernetes cluster with your team space on Test Hub. See Registering a remote Kubernetes cluster.
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Member or Project Creator in the team space. See Managing members and their roles in a team space.
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Project Owner or Tester in the project. See Managing access to the server projects.
You have viewed details of the remote clusters that are registered with a team space on Test Hub.
You must add the remote cluster to your project in your team space before you can use the remote cluster as a location to run test assets or resources that are in your project. See Adding a remote Kubernetes cluster to a project.