You can edit the kubeconfig file, address, namespace, name, or
ingress details of the remote Kubernetes cluster that you added to a team space on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub).
You must have completed the following tasks:
Log in to Test Hub.
The Projects page of the initial team space is
Click in the navigation pane of the team space.
The Agents and Intercepts page
is displayed.
You can view the agents, intercepts, Dockers, or clusters that are registered
with the team space on Test Hub.
You can view the clusters that you own in any of the following ways:
You can view the following details about the clusters that are in the team
Identify the cluster that you want to modify the configurations, and then click
the Edit icon
Note: The

icon is displayed in the
Actions column in
the row of the cluster only if you own the cluster.
The Update cluster dialog is displayed.
Perform the following steps to change the kubeconfig
Click Browse, and locate the
kubeconfig file of the Kubernetes cluster that
you want to use.
Select the kubeconfig file, and then click
The name of the kubeconfig file that you
selected is displayed along with the address of the Kubernetes
cluster that is specified in the file.
Click Next.
Perform the following steps to change the namespace or name of the
Edit or change the namespace of the cluster that you want to use, in
the Namespace field.
Edit or change the name of the cluster in the
Name field.
Click Next.
Perform the following steps to change the ingress details of the cluster:
Select the ingress type of the cluster from the Ingress
type list, if you want to use a different cluster.
Enter or change the ingress host pattern of the cluster in the
Ingress host pattern field, if you did not
provide it when setting up the remote cluster or change it to match the
cluster you want to use.
Enter the secret if you did not provide it when setting up the remote
The secret is used to authenticate the remote cluster to use the
licenses from the Team space License Server so that the inbound traffic
is allowed into the ingress domain.
Note: The
secret to use must be available with your Test Hub server
Click Next.
Optionally, perform the following steps to edit or change the code snippets for
nodeSelectors and tolerations, if
applicable for the remote cluster:
Enter the code snippet for nodeSelectors in a
yaml format in the Node
selectors field.
Enter the code snippet for tolerations in a
yaml format in the
Tolerations field.
Click Update.
The remote cluster is displayed with the updated configurations.
Note: The projects that are associated with the cluster
are displayed in the Projects column and you need
not add the cluster to the same project again.
You have updated an existing remote cluster with the changed configurations.
You can select the updated cluster as an alternate location to run the test assets or
resources that are in your project while you configure a run from the
Execution page.