Working with the capabilities of a performance agent
When you installed performance agents V10.1.2 or later, and added them to your project on IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can view capabilities of the performance agents from the Infrastructure page. When you installed performance agents V10.2.0 or later, you can add, view, edit, or delete properties and capabilities of performance agents from the User Defined panel of that performance agent.
You must have completed the following tasks:
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Member or Project Creator in the team space. See Managing members and their roles in a team space.
- Ensured that you are assigned a role as a Project Owner or Tester in the project. See Managing access to the server projects.
- Installed the agent by using your offline user token that makes you the owner of the agent or you are assigned the role of a Team Space Owner.
- Installed a performance agent. See Management of agents.
- Added performance agents to your project. See Adding a performance agent to a project.