LDAP user administration

After you installed IBM® DevOps Test Hub (Test Hub), you can use a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Active Directory (AD) HTTP server to manage users and authentication. Some of the following best practices, can help you to use an LDAP and AD server to manage user access to Test Hub.

Test Hub uses Keycloak (https://www.keycloak.org/) to manage and authenticate users.

Existing user databases hold user credentials. Keycloak federates these existing external user databases through the concept of storage providers. By default, Keycloak supports an LDAP and Active Directory storage provider. By adding a storage provider, you can map LDAP user attributes into Keycloak. You can also configure more mappings.

Before you configure Keycloak to use an existing LDAP/AD provider, you might consider the following best practices:
  • Set up your LDAP/AD provider as a read-only repository so that Test Hub cannot change it.
  • Add and remove users in LDAP/AD and not the Keycloak local user database.
  • Import and synchronize your LDAP/AD users to your Keycloak local database.
  • Map a login style name, for example, user1@server.com, by using the UserPrincipalName attribute in LDAP/AD to a username in Keycloak. If you want the full name of the user as your login style, use the cn attribute in LDAP/AD.
    Note: The LDAP/AD username attribute must match the LDAP/AD provider username attribute (Username LDAP attribute) in Keycloak for the LDAP/AD provider to connect with Keycloak.

The following sections use these best practices to guide you to set up Keycloak to connect to your LDAP/AD HTTP server.

LDAP provider selection in Keycloak

You can use the Keycloak Admin Console to add an LDAP/AD provider.

You can log in to the Keycloak Admin Console at https://<fully-qualified-dns-nam>auth/admin/master/console/#/testserver. The default username for the Keycloak administrator is keycloak. The password is randomly generated when you installed the Test Hub software. You can see the password by using the following kubectl command:
kubectl get secret -n devops-system {{main}}-keycloak-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode; echo
Note: You must substitute {main} with the release name that you used during the installation of Test Hub.

After you log in, you can go to the User Federation page to add your provider.

User Federation page

You must select the Add Ldap providers option and complete your LDAP/AD connection parameters.

Required settings for a successful connection to your LDAP/AD provider

In the Add Ldap provider page, you must complete the fields or select the required values from the list in the field to ensure a successful HTTP connection to your LDAP/AD provider.

Select or enter details in the fields that are displayed in the following sections on the Add Ldap provider page:
Section Field Action
General options Console Display Name Enter a name for the LDAP server that you can identify when it is displayed in the Keycloak Admin Console. For example, you can enter the name as LDAP.
Vendor Select the vendor that is providing the LDAP service from the list of providers. For example, you can select Active Directory from the list of vendors.
Connection and authentication settings Connection URL Enter the LDAP/AD URL so that Keycloak can connect to your LDAP/AD user database. For example, ldap://<hostname>.<domain>.
Enable StartTLS Set to On, if you want to use a secure connection.
Test connection Click to test the connection with the LDAP server.
Bind type Retain the default value set as simple.
Bind DN Enter the user ID of the LDAP/AD user database administrator.

Make sure that you test the authentication and confirm that the authentication is successful.

Bind credentials Enter the password of the user ID of the LDAP/AD user database administrator.
Test authentication Click to test the authentication with the LDAP server database.
LDAP searching and updating Edit mode Select the READ_ONLY option from the list.

This setting means that your LDAP/AD user database is read-only. No user data defined through the mapping of attributes in Keycloak such as the username is written back from the Keycloak user database to your LDAP/AD user database.

This read-only setting also means that a new user cannot sign up from Test Hub as no user data can be written to your LDAP/AD user database.

Users DN Enter the directory where the LDAP users are listed, for example, cn=Users,dc=Devops,dc=COM.
Username LDAP attribute Retain the default value cn for the username, which is a first name, last name, or you can use userPrincipalName, which is username@domain.

You might want a login that matches your company style. For example, you might prefer joetester@mycompany.com instead of Joe Tester.

If you do make this change the username that you specify now must match the username in the Mapper. Keycloak makes this change for you.

User object classes Enter the User Object Classes as User because LDAP user records are found based on a user object class.
User LDAP filter Enter the filter so that a subset of all your LDAP users are imported as users by Keycloak.
For example, you can set up a Devops user group for your LDAP/AD user database such that only those users are imported to Keycloak.


Keycloak uses mappers to map the user attributes defined in the Keycloak user model such as username and email to the corresponding user attributes in the LDAP/AD user database. By default, when you saved your settings and created your LDAP/AD provider, the following mappers were created.

The username attribute that you specified in the Username LDAP attribute must match the username attribute defined in the Keycloak mapper for the LDAP/AD user database to connect with Keycloak.

Because you changed the Username LDAP attribute from the default value cn to userPrincipalName, Keycloak made the same change in the mapper called username to match.

User synchronization

You must import all users from your LDAP/AD user database by using the option to Synchronize all users. Users are imported based on your saved settings when you set up your LDAP/AD provider.

A successful import is followed by a success message with the number of users imported.

You can view all the LDAP/AD database users that were imported and authenticated from the Users page in the Keycloak Admin Console.

Users are listed with Username, Email, Last Name, and First Name. The value of the other attributes is fetched from the LDAP/AD user database by using mappers.

Important: If you get a message of a failed import for an LDAP/AD user, then the failed import might be due to any one of the following reasons:
  • The User logon name field under the Account tab of that LDAP/AD user is blank.
  • The value of the Custom User LDAP Filter field to import only a subset of all LDAP users does not match with the LDAP set of users.

You can check the log file of the Keycloak pod to understand the reason for the failed import.

You can perform the following steps to view the log file of the Keycloak pod:
  1. Run the following command to view the list of all pods:

    kubectl get pods -n devops-system

  2. Identify the Keycloak pod ssocloak-0.
  3. Run the following command to view the log of the Keycloak pod:
    kubectl logs {{main}}-ssocloak-0 -n devops-system
    Note: Where, {{main}} is the name of the release that is provided during the installation of the server software.

    The log file of the Keycloak pod is displayed.