Show information about a single taskTag in JSON format

This method returns a single taskTag JSON object with information about the element that has the specified id. You can change the format of the JSON response by specifying the format parameter.


GET http://{hostname}:{port}
Accept: application/json
Table 1. Request parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
format string false One of the format options; this parameter determines what information is included in the JSON response. If not specified, or if an unrecognized value is specified, the default format of "detail" will be used.
Table 2. URL parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
id string true The ID of the taskTag element.
Table 3. Header parameters
Parameter Type Required Description
Accept application/json true
For the format parameter, use one of the following format options:
Primary properties, name, description, and color of the tag.
Identical to 'list' format.
For details about the full JSON that the server returns when you select one of these formats, see the related resource: taskTags resource.