
This resource type represents a network interface on an Microsoft Azure image.

This resource type extends the OpenStack resource type OS::Neutron::Port.

In the blueprint designer, you can configure the properties that the following table includes. Properties are listed as either core or extended. Each type of property is located in separate sections of the heat resource that you can view in the blueprint designer. You set the core properties in the properties section and set the extended properties in the metadata section of the blueprint.

Table 1. Properties
Name Type Required Core or extended Description
dns_servers List False Extended The list of DNS servers to use for this network interface. This property overrides the default virtual network server list.
enable_ip_address_forwarding Boolean False Extended Specify true to enable IP address forwarding on this network interface. The default is false.
fixed_ips Map False Core The subnet and IP address information for this network interface. See Table 2.
internal_dns_name_label String False Extended The relative DNS name for this network interface. This name is used for internal communications between virtual machines that are in the same virtual network.
load_balancer_backend_address_pools List False Extended The list of load balancer backend address pools to which the network interfaced is attached.
load_balancer_inbound_nat_rules List False Extended The list of load balancer inbound NAT rules to which the network interface is attached.
name String False Core Name of the network interface. If the specified name exists, the blueprint design server creates a unique name.
network or network_id String True Core The virtual network for the network interface. The properties network and network_id are equvalent.
region String True Extended The Azure location. The blueprint designer specifies this property automatically, based on the selected region.
resource_group String True Extended The resource group name.
security_groups List False Core The security group for the network interface. Azure supports only one security group per network interface.
tags List False Extended A list of name-value pairs to set as tags on the resource.
The fixed_ips parameter requires a list of IP addresses for the port. The following table shows the properties in each list item.
Table 2. fixed_ips list values
Property Type Required Description
subnet_id or subnet String False The subnet for this network interface. The properties subnet and subnet_id are equivalent. If neither of these properties are specified, the server assigns a subnet from the attached virtual network.
ip_address String False The static private IP address for the network interface.
Table 3. Attributes
Attribute Type Description
name String The name of the network interface.
network_interface_id String The Azure ID of the network interface.
mac_address String The MAC address of the network interface.
show String The details of the network interface.


This example creates a network interface on a subnet with a security group and tags.
    type: IBM::Azure::NetworkInterface
      name: testnic1
      network: test-vnet
        - subnet:  test-subnet
          - test-nsg
        resource_group: test-rg
          tag1 : value1
          tag2 : value2
This example creates a network interface on a subnet with a static private IP address.
    type: IBM::Azure::NetworkInterface
      name: testnic2
      network: test-vnet
        - subnet:  test-subnet
        resource_group: { get_param: resource_group }
This example creates a network interface on a subnet with DNS and IP forwarding settings.
    type: IBM::Azure::NetworkInterface
      name: testnic3
      network: test-vnet
        - subnet:  test-subnet
        resource_group: { get_param: resource_group }
        enable_ip_address_forwarding: True
          - ""
          - ""
        internal_dns_name_label: testnic3