
This type represents a Microsoft™ Azure disk. It can create a managed disk or copy, import, or snapshot an existing disk.

This resource type extends the OpenStack resource type OS::Cinder::Volume.

In the blueprint designer, you can configure the properties that the following table includes. Properties are listed as either core or extended. Each type of property is located in separate sections of the heat resource that you can view in the blueprint designer. You set the core properties in the properties section and set the extended properties in the metadata section of the blueprint.

Table 1. Properties
Name Type Required Core or extended Description
creation_option String True Extended How to create or access the disk. Valid values are:
  • Empty
  • Attach
  • FromImage
  • Import
  • Copy
  • Restore
description tring False Extended A description of the disk.
name String True Core The name of the managed disk.
region String True Extended The Azure location. The blueprint designer specifies this property automatically, based on the selected region.
resource_group_name String True Extended The name of the resource group.
size String True Core The size of the disk in GB.
source_resource_id String False Extended If createOption is Copy, this is the ARM ID of the source snapshot or disk. If creationOption is Restore, this is the ARM-like ID of the source disk restore point.
source_uri String False Extended If creationOption is Import, this is a URI to a blob to be imported into a managed disk. If creationOption is Copy, this is a relative URI containing the ID of the source snapshot to be copied into a managed disk
volume_type String True Core The type of disk. Valid values are SSD and HDD.
Table 2. Attributes
Attribute Type Description
name String The name of the disk.
show String The details of the disk.
source_volid String The ID of the disk.


This example creates an empty disk:
    type: OS::Cinder::Volume
      name: storagevolumeempty
      size: 2
      volume_type: "ssd"
        resource_group: { get_param: resource_group }
        creation_option: "Empty"
This example copies an existing disk:
    type: OS::Cinder::Volume
      name: storagevolumeimport
      size: 40
      volume_type: "hdd"
        resource_group: { get_param: resource_group }
        creation_option: "Copy"
        source_resource_id: "/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/CUSTOMIMAGE/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/DISK_NAME"
This example creates a disk from a snapshot:
    type: OS::Cinder::Volume
      name: storagevolumesnapshot
      size: 30
      volume_type: "hdd"
        resource_group: { get_param: resource_group }
        creation_option: "Copy"
        source_uri: "/subscriptions/SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/RESOURCE_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/snapshots/MY_SNAPSHOT" 
This example imports a disk:
    type: OS::Cinder::Volume
      name: storagevolumecopy
      size: 30
      volume_type: "hdd"
        resource_group: { get_param: resource_group }
        creation_option: "Import"
        source_uri: ""