tomcat.home |
The Tomcat home folder on the target computer |
/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.39 on Linux™ or C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.39 on Windows™ |
tomcat.contextroot |
The Tomcat webapp folder on the target computer, which is an identifier in the
application URL |
For both Tomcat version 6 and Tomcat version 7, specify
JPetStoreDev |
db.url |
The URL to the MySQL database, relative to the target system |
If you installed MySQL on the same system as the agent and used the
database name jpetstore , the URL looks like the following example:
jdbc:mysql://host-or-ip:3306/jpetstore |
tomcat.manager.url |
The location of the Tomcat manager application |
For Tomcat version 6, specify
http://host-or-ip:8081/manager ; for Tomcat version 7, specify
http://host-or-ip:8081/manager/text |
tomcat.start |
The location of the startup script for Tomcat |
/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.39/bin/ on Linux or
C:\apache-tomcat-6.0.39\bin\startup.bat on Windows |