Managing the logs

With appropriate permissions, you can add, edit, enable, and delete the default logs.

The Other Logs page lists some default logs, such as audit, cleanup, license, and user audit. Each of these logs contains information for different purposes. You can manage the default logs on this page with several actions.

  1. Click Settings > Logging > Other Logs.
  2. Edit a log from the actions cloumn.
    The Edit Log window allows you to edit the following information:
    • The rotation type of the log file, such as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or with respect to size
    • The number of files to generate
    • The maximum size of log files
    • The enablement status of the log
    • Add or delete loggers
  3. Add a log by clicking Add Log and provide information as mentioned in step 2.

    The Add Log feature allows you to send log data to a specific file. It is the Log4j 2.x implementation of Log4j 1.x appenders as used in v7.2.2 and earlier versions.

  4. Delete a custom log.
    Note that you cannot delete default logs.
  5. Enable or disable a log.
    The cleanup log is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. However, some logs are disabled by default, such as server audit and licensing.
  6. Optional: Perform a bulk operation by selecting one or more logs, and enable, disable, or delete them simultaneously.