
Tutorials are available for every experience level.

This section contains tutorials for users of all experience levels. If you are new to IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy, the HelloWorld tutorial introduces the most-used product features in an easy-to-follow way. You do not need additional resources to complete the tutorial.

After HelloWorld, the next step is the JPetStore tutorial that shows you how to deploy a data-driven web application. In addition to providing more in-depth topics, the JPetStore tutorial is also used by other tutorials.

If you are an experienced user, you can find tutorials that cover particular use cases, such as the Blue-Green Deployment tutorial, or particular product features, such as how to use snapshots.

Some tutorials provide a head-start by including resources that you can download, or that build on other tutorials. The JPetStore tutorial, for example, is used by several tutorials.

If you have topics that you would like covered by a tutorial, add a comment and describe your topic.