Extending product function Learn how to extend the function of IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy. Plug-insThe UrbanCode plug-ins provide tools for creating component processes and integrations. IBM UrbanCode provides plug-ins for several common deployment processes, and others are available to integrate with a wide variety of tools, such as middleware tools, databases, and servers.REST API referenceYou can use these REST interfaces to automate tasks.Command-line client (CLI) referenceCLI is a command-line interface that provides access to the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server. It can be used to find or set properties and to run numerous functions.Heat resource typesThe engine includes custom Heat resource types that represent resources on cloud systems and artifacts from the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server.Process-as-code feature Programmatically manage processes with PAC language. TerraformIBM UrbanCode Deploy includes a Terraform provider and provisioner to represent artifacts from the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server in a Terraform configuration.