Types of problems and checks to perform
Before you contact IBM Software Support, gather background information and perform tasks that will assist in solving the problem. It helps to be as specific as possible and include all relevant information.
Problem Type | Descriptions | What to do |
Database | Database errors tend to show up on the server. Look for server errors which appear to be specific to databases, for example: ORA0001 Constraint Violation. | Troubleshooting database problems |
Integration with other products IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy | Attempts to connect to IBM Cloud Orchestrator, IBM PureApplication® System, or IBM Workload Deployer to provision an image results in one of the following:
UrbanCode Deploy integration with Cloud providers (classic) |
Attempts to integrate with LDAP for user authentication and authorization produce unexpected results. | Integation with LDAP | |
Performance | Excessive page load times, processes taking longer than normal, and other time related problems. | Troubleshooting performance problems |
Plug-ins | Plug-in steps are not functioning as expected. | Troubleshooting plug-in problems |
Server | Errors specific to the server. Errors in the deployserver.out file. Or, HTTP requests which return with the response code 500 Internal Server Error. | Troubleshooting server problems |
User Interfaces | Pages are not rendering completely. | Troubleshooting user interface problems |
Troubleshooting agent problems
- <agent>/conf/agent/installed.properties
- <agent>/conf/installed.version
- <agent>/conf/plugin-javaopts.conf
- <agent>/var/log/agent.out
- Add the following agent loggers and set their logging level as DEBUG:
com.urbancode.air.agent com.urbancode.air.devilfish com.urbancode.ds.subsys.deploy.agent
- Stop the agent and then start the agent.
- Send all the logs from <agent>\var\logs to support.
- Send the <server>\var\log\deployserver.out from the server or servers if running a high availability configuration to support.
Troubleshooting database problems
For issues that appear to be specific to the database include the database type and version. Additionally, ensure that your database administrator is available to perform diagnostic on the database server, as requested by IBM Support.
If the issue is related to a user application process or component process capturing screen shots of the process and the step properties of steps that are failing are useful.
Remote Agent Upgrade Issues
- Add the following logger and set the logging level as DEBUG:
- Perform the upgrade again. Hopefully, the problem occurs to collect trace data.
- Check the agent bin directory for the upgrade.out file. If the file exists, send the file to support.
- Check if there is a directory in the bin directory called agent-upgrade and if there are any files inside it . Send a directory listing to support.
- Check if there is a file called upgrade.jar inside the agent's bin folder. Provide the size of that file to support.
- Send all the logs from <agent>\var\logs to support.
- Send all the files from <agent>\conf\agent to support.
- Check if there are any java processes running:
- For Linux issue the following command: ps -ef |grep java
- For Windows use the Task Manager
Troubleshooting performance problems
Symptoms indicating a performance problem includes: excessive page load times, processes taking longer than normal, and other time-related problems.
- Use the browser console or tools such as the Google Chrome Developer Console to load the page
and check the response times for the HTTP requests and responses. For IBM UrbanCode Deploy version or higher, this information can be viewed from the user interface.
- Log into the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server.
- Click Diagnostics page logs the amount of time HTTP requests take. . The
If the server is operating slowly, gather a set of thread dumps from the server. Ensure there is some time distance between them ranging from a few seconds to a minute.
Troubleshooting plug-in problems
The primary symptoms of plug-in related problems is that the plug-in is not functioning as expected. There can also be issues with connections to other servers that the plug-in uses.
Before contacting IBM Software Support verify that the plug-in steps are being used correctly and the required properties are specified.
- Description of how the plug-in is integrated. Is it a built-in or added plug-in.
- The full plug-in version including build number. This information is located in the info.xml file.
- A copy of the plug-in is needed if it has been modified or a custom plug-in.
- If the issue is related to the execution of a plug-in step, collect the following:
- Input properties
- Output properties
- Output log
- Error log
- A copy of any custom post-processing scripts.
- Screen shots that include the the complete IBM UrbanCode Deploy page
Troubleshooting server problems
Code 500 Internal Server Errorand error messages in the deployserver.out file. In addition to the type of operating system and version, description of what happened and what was being done at the time of the failure, collect the following information:
- The Java type (JDK/JRE), version and update number. There are several ways to gather this information:
- Open the installed.properties file in the JVM installation directory. The install.java.home property contains the version of the JDK or JRE.
- Run the following command:
- Unix: install.java.home/java -version
- Windows: install.java.home\java -version
Where install.java.home is the Java installation directory.Note: Running the command with the absolute path is necessary to avoid the system JVM being selected instead of the one configured to run IBM UrbanCode Deploy.
- If the problem is related to agent connectivity, gather the logs from the following location: server_install_directory/logs/connection/agent-name/*.
- If the problem is related to agent auto discovery and configuration include the following:
- server_install_directory/logs/autoDiscover/agent-name/*
- server_install_directory/logs/autoConfigure/agent-name/*
- If the issue is related to a user application or component process, provide screen captures of the process and the step properties for the steps that are failing.
You can gather server information by downloading the diagnostics bundle. See Viewing logs for more information.
Troubleshooting user interface problems
Symptoms of user interface problems include pages not loading, missing pages, and pages with incorrect information. Some user interface issues may be the result of a server problem.
In general, it is useful to identify the REST call that is causing the problem. Use a tool to that gathers timestamps for the HTTP responses and the return code if one was given. This capability is built into some browsers. such as Firebug.
For all user interface related issues, there can never be to many screen captures. Ensure that the screen captures the full screen. Partial screen captures can lack relevant content.
If the browser console is available, provide a screen capture of it. It might contains console errors helpful in troubleshooting.