Provisioning environments by using REST commands: An example

The following example describes how to use the REST commands to provision an environment through the blueprint design server and engine.

Create a blueprint and ensure that you can provision an environment from the blueprint by using the blueprint designer user interface.
To provision environments with REST commands, you must have the following information:
The ID of the cloud project to use
You can get this information from this REST command: List cloud projects.
The name of the blueprint and the location of the blueprint on the blueprint design server
You can get this information from this REST command: List blueprints.
The name and location of the configuration file on the blueprint design server (Optional)
To use a configuration file, you must have the name and complete location of that file. You can get this information from this REST command: List configuration files for a blueprint.
The parameters that are required to provision an environment from the blueprint
To provision an environment from a blueprint, you must specify the parameters for that blueprint. You can see the required parameters for a blueprint by clicking Provision and selecting the blueprint. You can also get this information from these REST commands: List the parameters required to provision a blueprint or List the parameters required to provision a blueprint with a configuration file.
Note: For the command to be successful, you must provide exactly these parameters. Any missing parameters or additional parameters cause the command to fail.
A session key for the blueprint design server
The session key authenticates you to the server. You can get a session key by running a command on the server with a user name and password and examining the session key in the return headers. See Authenticating for REST commands.

To provision an environment from the API, use this REST PUT command: Provision a blueprint.

Use the following URL string for the request:
Use the host name and port of the blueprint designer for hostname and port and the name of the blueprint for {blueprintId}.
Include the following headers with the PUT request:
Header Example Description
UCR_SESSION_KEY 347e9240-dcc9-424e-af31-3614df52b245 The session key that you retrieve from running a simple command with a user name and password
Accept application/json Specify application/json as the type of information that the command returns
Content-Type application/json Specify application/json as the type of information that you are sending to the command
Location /landscaper/orion/file/jsmith_00000000_0000_0000_0000_000000000002- OrionContent/Internal-Team/myBlueprint/myBlueprint.yml The location of the blueprint on the blueprint design server
X-Region-Name MyCloudRegion (Optional) The region for the environment
Pass a JSON document that is similar to the following example as the request body. This example uses an authentication token for the server instead of a user name and password.
  "environmentName": "myNewEnvironment1",
  "configuration": "myConfigFile",
  "parameters": {
    "availability_zone" : "nova",
    "flavor" : "m1.tiny",
    "key_name" : "myKey",
  "validate": "true"
This JSON document contains the following information:
JSON property Example Description
cloudProjectId 3d16879f-7b43-4909-9862-12767dad7f04 The ID of the cloud project; to get this ID, you can use the command List cloud projects
configuration myConfigFile (Optional) The name of the configuration file to use
configurationLocation /landscaper/orion/file/jsmith_00000000_2-OrionContent/default/configurations/myConfigFile.yml The location of the configuration file on the server
environmentName myNewEnvironment1 A name for the new environment
parameters { "availability_zone" : "nova", "flavor" : "m1.tiny", "key_name" : "myKey", "ucd_password":"cc99a431-d96c-4154-99d6-1a5532275015", "ucd_relay_url":"None", "ucd_server_url":"", "ucd_user":"PasswordIsAuthToken" } A JSON array of parameters to pass to the provisioning process, including the parameters that you would specify if you provisioned the environment from the designer server user interface. To get a list of the required parameters, use the command List the parameters required to provision a blueprint or List the parameters required to provision a blueprint with a configuration file.
teamMappings An array of teams to add the environment to
validate true Whether to validate the request before running it
If you use the Linux™ program curl, the command might look like the following example. This command must be written on a single line.
curl -k -u jsmith:passwd
  -X PUT 
  -H "Accept: application/json" 
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
  -H "UCR_SESSION_KEY: 347e9240-dcc9-424e-af31-3614df52b245" 
  -H "Location:
  /landscaper/orion/file/jsmith_00000000_0000_0000_0000_000000000002- OrionContent/Internal-Team/myBlueprint/myBlueprint.yml" 
  -H "X-Region-Name: MyCloudRegion" 
  -d @provisionEnvironment.json
This example command uses a JSON file that is named newEnvironment.json.