Managing Java packages on an agent

You can upload, install, and manage Java packages on compact agent using the web UI.

  • The agents support Java 11 and later versions.
  • The procedure in this section is applicable only for the operating systems that have compact agents. Agents on operating systems like z/OS and AIX cannot be updated with this procedure.

You must upgrade Java when you have unsupported Java versions on your agents.

IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy identifies which agents must have an updated Java version or patches applied, and detemines that status by using the real-time status of the connected agents. Java packages can be uploaded and then applied on different devices and architectures in your environment.

To manage the Java package on an agent:

  1. Upload the required Java package.
    1. Click Settings > System > Manage Java Packages.
    2. Upload a Java package by clicking Add Package.
    3. Provide a name for the Java package to upload.
    4. Click Choose File, select the Java package to upload and click Submit.
      Note: The .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tgz, .tar.bz2, and .tbz2 file extensions are compatible.
      The Java package is uploaded into the system.
  2. Install the uploaded Java package on an agent.
    1. Click Resources > Agents > agent_name.
    2. Click the menu option on the right of the agent for which you want to install the uploaded Java package.
    3. Select Install Java Package and specify the Java package name.
    4. Click Install.
      A message indicates that the Java package is being installed on the agent. When the installation finishes, the agent's Maintenence page displays the installed Java package information.
  3. Go to the Agents page and set JAVA_HOME on the agent by selecting the Set Java Home menu option.

    This location must be an absolute path, which is accessible to the agent.

    The agent restarts and runs with your new Java version.
  4. See all Java versions installed for that agent from the agent's Metadata page.
  5. Remove unsupported Java package versions from the Uninstall Java Package menu option.