Enforcing the use of a security protocol or set of ciphers
For security reasons, ensure that all SSL connections to and from the IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy server uses the TLSv1.2 protocol. Support for TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 is deprecated. To configure SSL globally, follow these instructions under jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms here.
- HTTPS for displaying the user interface
- LDAP to connect to LDAP and Active Directory servers
- JDBC to connect to the database containing the schema of the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server application
The material that follows explains how to enforce the usage of TLSv1.2.
EnvironmentEnforcing TLS 1.2 is possible if the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server, relay, and agent are running a JVM version that supports this protocol. For more information on such JVM versions, see: Oracle JRE and JDK Cryptographic Roadmap. For connections to external tools (LDAP servers, Database servers, and middleware that the plug-ins deploy to), consider that the connections fail if those external tools do not support TLSv1.2 after you enforce it as the only supported protocol in IBM UrbanCode Deploy.
IBM UrbanCode Deploy Server: HTTPS protocolThe HTTPS protocol is configured in this file: <server>/opt/tomcat/conf/server.xml.
This file contains the following relevant entries: <Connector port="${install.server.web.https.port}"
noCompressionUserAgents="gozilla, traviata"
keystorePass="${tomcat.keystore.password}" />
enforce TLSv1.2, add or modify the install.server.ssl.enabledProtocols=TLSv1.2
property in this file:<server>/conf/server/installed.properties. Note that
this property might be missing, or it might be present and have a different value, including an
empty value. The property is referred to as:
${install.server.ssl.enabledProtocols} in the server.xml
and installed.properties files. IBM UrbanCode Deploy Server: LDAP integration
protocol that uses port
636 but dault to connect through SSL or TLS. IBM UrbanCode Deploy Server: JDBC connection to the database server
JDBC is used to connect IBM UrbanCode Deploy to the backend database.
See configuring SSL support in a DB2 instance. Configure the DB2 instance according to the instructions, and test after you compete the configuration.
Connection string: connectionString=jdbc:postgresql://dbhost/dummy?ssl=true jdbcDriver=org.postgresql.Driver jdbcJar=C:\IBM\UCD\ucd6.2.3\623agent1\postgresql-42.1.4.jar.
Import the database certificate to the IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent Java keystore.
The latest available plug-in version is Version 11, see .Microsoft SQL Server
- Your Microsoft SQL Server must support TLS v1.2. You must have the right FixLevel and KB 3052404 installed.
- Enable TLS v1.2.
- Depending on the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC type 4 driver version you can pass in the JDBC a connection string that enforces the TLS 1.2 ;sslProtocol=TLSv1.2. protocol.
- You can enforce TLS v1.2 on the JRE level that runs the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server. Enabling TSLv1.2 has the following results:
- Outgoing connections to the LDAP database all are made with TLS v1.2.
- Incoming connections from IBM UrbanCode Deploy agents, IBM UrbanCode Deploy agent relays, and WebUI require TLS v1.2.
These results can be undesirable if one of the involved components does not support TLS v1.2. You must make sure that the JDBC drivers support TLS v1.2. To ensure this support, change the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms line in jre/lib/security/java.security to jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1. You can also pass the ucd-server/bin/set_env JAVA_OPTS string through a java.security file.
Note: You cannot disable the SSLv2Hello, because it is used as the initial handshake from the IBM UrbanCode Deploy agents with the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server.
- For the JDBC connection string:
See understanding SSL Support.
The encrypt=true uses TLS/SSL.
Do not blanket trustServerCertificate=false. Every SSL certificate from Microsoft SQL server uses the default JRE's trust store jre/lib/security/cacerts.
Use hostNameInCertificate=yes to verify that DNS and SubjectAltName in the SSL certificate are the same.
For trustStore=/my/own/trustStore.jks, do not use the default JRE's trust store jre/lib/security/cacert, use a separate one.
The trustStorePassword=changeit is the password for the trust store.
- Ensure that you have a JDBC driver version higher than
- In the file <ucd-server>/bin/set_env.sh append the following -D argument -Doracle.net.ssl_version='1.2' in the value you currently set for JAVA_OPTS variable.
- Restart IBM UrbanCode Deploy server.
IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent
- Add new line
in agent-home/bin/worker-args.conf.
- Add new line
to agent-home/conf/plugin-javaopts.conf.