Upgrading agents from the command line

You can upgrade agents by stopping them and running the installation program for the new version.

  • To ensure compatibility and optimal performance, run the same version of the IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy server and agents. If the server and agents are from different versions, they might work, but unexpected behavior might occur. If you encounter an issue with this scenario, you must update or roll back the server and agents so that they run the same versions.
  • You must upgrade the server before you upgrade the agents.
The preferred way to upgrade an agent is to let the server upgrade it automatically; see Upgrading agents remotely.
  1. From the new version of the server, download the agent installer for the new agent version.
    • To download the installer, log in to the server and click the Help icon at the upper right of any page on the server, and click Tools. Then, click IBM UrbanCode Deploy Agent, and download and extract the file.
    • To find the installer on the server with the command line, go to the following location, and copy the file to the target computer: installation_folder/opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/tools/ucd-agent.zip
      Note: If you are installing the agent on IBM z/OS® by extracting files to the UNIX™ file system, you must convert the character encoding for several text-type files in the installation package to IBM-1047 encoding. If you are installing the agent by using SMP/E, you do not have to convert the character encoding. Move the installation files to the z/OS computer, and then extract the files. If the unzip program is not installed on the z/OS computer, use the jar command to extract the files. For instance, type the following text on the command line:
      JAVA_HOME/bin/jar xvf ucd-agent.zip
      Run the convertFilesForZos.sh script to convert the character encoding of the relevant files to IBM-1047 encoding. After you convert the files, continue with installation.

      If you used the jar command to extract files, add execute permission to convertFilesForZos.sh script first.

      Note: If you are installing the agent on IBM i, you must run the commands through the IBM Portable Application Solutions Environment for i (PASE for i) shell. Move the installation files to the i system, and then extract the files. Run the ibmi-compatability-fix.sh script to update the installer to use the PASE for i shell. After you run the script, continue with installation.
  2. Transfer the new agent installation package to the system that hosts the agent and extract the package.
  3. After you download and expand the installation package, open the installer directory.
  4. Stop the agent.
  5. From this directory, run the install-agent.bat command (Windows™) or install-agent.sh (UNIX, Linux™, Mac OS, or IBM z/OS).
  6. At the prompt Enter the directory where agent should be installed. [Default: /opt/ibm-ucd/agent], specify the current installation directory of the agent that you are upgrading.
  7. When the installer asks if you want to upgrade the existing agent, press Y and then press Enter.
    The installer upgrades the agent.
  8. At the prompt Will the agent connect to an agent relay instead of directly to the server? Y,N [Default: N] press N to connect directly to a server and press Y to connect to an agent relay.
  9. Specify the connection information for the agent.
    For more information, see Installing agents from the command line.
  10. Fill in the rest of the information for the installation program.
    The installer upgrades the agent.
  11. Restart the agent.
On the server, click Resources > Agents and verify that the agent shows the new version.