Adding links to component version

Component version links help you get information about what a particular version contains from various systems of record such as Anthill Pro, Jira, GitHub, and so on.

You can add links to a component version.
  1. Display the component version you want to add links (Components > selected component > Versions > selected version).
  2. Click Add.
    The Add Link window is displayed.
  3. Enter link name and the URL.
    Optionally, select Make Priority to mark the link as favorite.
  4. Save your changes.
The link is added to the component version. In case of multiple links, View All option is displayed. Using the View All option, you can manage the links in the Version Links page.
Starting with V7.1.1.1, you can make links as favorite by clicking on the star icon next to a link. Favorite links appear first in the list making it easier for you to navigate to the sites.