
This type represents a Microsoft™ Azure load balancing rule. It can create an inbound NAT rule for a load balancer.

In the blueprint designer, you can configure the properties that the following table includes. Properties are listed as either core or extended. Each type of property is located in separate sections of the heat resource that you can view in the blueprint designer. You set the core properties in the properties section and set the extended properties in the metadata section of the blueprint.

Table 1. Properties
Name Type Required Core or extended Description
backend_port Integer True Core The port for the internal endpoint. The value must be between 1 and 65534.
enable_floating_ip Boolean False Core Configures a virtual machine's endpoint for the floating IP capability that is required for configuring a SQL AlwaysOn Availability Group.
frontend_ip_configuration String True Core The name or ID of the front-end IP configuration for the inbound NAT rule.
frontend_port Integer True Core The port for the external endpoint. Port numbers for each rule must be unique within the load balancer. Values must be between 1 and 65534.
idle_timeout Integer False Core Timeout, in minutes, for the TCP idle connection. The default is 4 minutes, and the value must be between 4 and 30 minutes.
load_balancer String True Core The name of the load balancer to add the inbound NAT rule to.
name String True Core The name of the load balancing rule.
protocol String True Core The transport protocol for the external endpoint. Valid values are Udp and Tcp.
resource_group String True Core The name of the resource group.
Table 2. Attributes
Attribute Type Description
backend_ip_configuration String The backend IP configuration of the inbound NAT rule.
inbound_nat_rule_id String The Azure ID of the inbound NAT rule.
name String The name of the inbound NAT rule.
show String The details of the inbound NAT rule.


This example creates a load balancing rule:
    type: IBM::Azure::InboundNatRule
      name: test-lbnatrule-1
      resource_group: test-rg
      load_balancer: test-lb
      frontend_ip_configuration: LoadBalancerFrontEnd
      frontend_port: 8080
      backend_port: 80
      protocol: Tcp
      idle_timeout: 6
This example associates the load balancing rule with a load balancer:
    type: IBM::Azure::NetworkInterface
     name: testnic1
     network: test-vnet
      -subnet: subnet2
      resource_group: test-rg
        - { get_attr: [azure_lb_nat_rule, inbound_nat_rule_id]}