Converting TOSCA files to blueprints for the blueprint designer

You can convert Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) files to the HOT format and import them into the blueprint designer.

Create a TOSCA template that describes your cloud environment. The TOSCA template format standardizes how a web application is deployed, including the ability to specify artifacts.
Note: You must use absolute paths to any resources that are used in the TOSCA template.
  1. In the blueprint editor of the blueprint designer, click New.
  2. In the Add a New File window, specify a name and description for the blueprint.
  3. Optional: If your workspace contains multiple repositories, select a project from the Repository list.
    If your workspace contains a single repository, the Repository list is not displayed.
  4. In the Type list, select Blueprint.
  5. From the Clone list, select Clipboard or File.
  6. Provide the TOSCA file to the blueprint designer by using one of the following steps.
    • Paste the entire TOSCA template into the template field.
    • Click Choose File, select the TOSCA file, and then click Open. The file name is displayed in the Add a New File window.
  7. In the Translator field, specify the conversion service to use.
    To use IBM's TOSCA to HOT converter that is hosted on Bluemix®, enter this URL:
  8. Click Save.
    The new blueprint opens in the editor. Any conversion errors are listed at the top of the blueprint. If you use the converter that is hosted on Bluemix, the errors contain both an error name and explanation, as shown in the following text:
    UnknownFieldError: Template contains unknown field "descriptions". Refer to the definition to verify valid values.
    Since conversion errors might prevent you from provisioning your blueprint, you must review the blueprint before you provision it.