Component tags and component resource tags
You can tag components while you work on the Components tab, or you can tag components while you work in the Resources tab. However, the tags that you associate with components in these two contexts behave differently. Furthermore, you can also include components in a resource by using the tags that are associated with components in the Component tab.
In the Components tab, you can tag components according to your requirements. See Adding tags to objects. You can organize and associate components by using tags.
In the Resources tab, you can tag components and other objects just as in other tabs. When you tag a component in the Resources tab, that tag is not applied to the component throughout all tabs. The component resource tag applies to the component only when the component is related to a resource.
As you develop processes, you can use the component resource tag for a few things. You can specify a set of components to be used for an Install Multiple Components or Rollback Multiple Components step in an application process. Specifying a set of components this way runs a process for each component with the specified component tag in the environment. Alternatively, you can also add a component resource tag to an agent resource in the resource tree. Adding the tag is a way of directing that this is a component slot that can be fulfilled with any component that is tagged with the corresponding component tag.