Running component processes

Component processes are typically run from within application processes. However, you can also run component processes directly to test the processes or to correct an error in an urgent situation.

To run a component process in an application process, add the appropriate step to the application process and specify the component process. For example, to run a deployment component process, use the Install Component step. The step that you use depends on the type of component process. For more information, see Component process types.

You can run certain types of component process from generic processes. See Generic processes.

You can also run component processes directly as follows:
  1. Click an application, and go to the Components tab.
  2. Next to the component, click Run Process.
  3. In the Environment and Resource lists, select where to run the process.
  4. In the Process list, select the component process.
  5. If the component process requires a component version, in the Version list, select the component version.
  6. If the component process requires other properties, specify values for those properties.
  7. Click Submit.
The component process is listed in the Components > selected component > Component Request History.
You can search a component process by filtering any of the columns from the Component Request History:
  • Resource
  • Version
  • Application
  • Environment
  • Scheduled For
  • By
  • Status