Copying process steps

You can copy and paste process steps in all process types: component, application, approval, and generic.

Steps that you copy are available until you delete them from the clipboard. Steps are saved to the clipboard on a per-user basis. Steps that you copy are not available in others' clipboards.
  1. Open a process.
  2. On the process step to copy, click the copy icon.
    The copy icon is to the left of the edit icon for the step: Copy icon. Copying is not supported for the For Each Agent step in application processes.
    The process step is copied to the Clipboard folder in the Step Palette.
  3. Expand the Clipboard folder in the Step Palette.
    The steps that you copied are displayed. Only steps that apply to the current process are displayed in the Clipboard folder. For example, if you are editing an approval process, only the approval process steps that you copied to the clipboard are displayed.
  4. To paste a step into a process, drag the step from the Clipboard folder to the design space.
    Click the delete icon on any step to remove the step from the Clipboard folder.