Generic process steps Lists the various generic steps that can be used in a process. add-process-warningThe add-process-warning step adds a warning message to the executing processacquire-lockThe acquire-lock step allows acquisition of a process lock.generic-manual-taskThe generic-manual-task step pauses the process until a manual approval is completed. This step is only valid in a generic process.pluginThe plugin step allows you to execute a plug-in command. Note that this step is not valid for an application run-generic-process step executes a generic process and waits for it to run-generic-process-for-each-affected-resource step executes a generic process for each resource affected by the application process and waits for it to complete. This step is only valid in an application process.set-final-process-statusThe set-final-process-status step that also appears as Set Status in the Web UI, forces the outcome status of a process to success or failure.shellThe shell step is a shortcut for the plugin step that specifies the Shell plug-in and the Shell command. Note that this step is not valid in an application process.startThe start step is a pseudo-step that defines the beginning of the process. As it is not a true step, it does not use the step keyword. The only completion condition is success. So, on success is not required or permitted.switchThe switch step allows decision logic in the process. It expands a variable by name or evaluates an expression containing a 'p' expression to a value. Based on the value, one case is selected and its actions are carried out.Parent topic: Process-as-code feature