Getting fixes

A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. You must determine what fixes and other updates are available and install them appropriately.

Periodically, IBM® might provide updates, such as interim fixes, fix packs, and refresh packs. For best results, install the latest updates when they become available.

To access product fixes:
Search for and download fixes from the IBM Support Portal website:
  1. Open the IBM Support Portal.
  2. Select IBM UrbanCode® Deploy.
  3. In the Downloads section, click Downloads (fixes & PTFs).
  4. Select a Version fix level and Filter by operating system.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. From the fix list, select an update and install it.
To stay informed about new updates and fixes for your product, sign up for weekly email updates or RSS feeds of support content. For more information, see Subscribing to product updates from the IBM Support Portal.