Creating and managing agent pools
Similar to resource groups, agent pools help you organize and manage agents that are installed in different environments.
You can use an agent pool to spread the deployment processing work among participating agents and provide relief to otherwise overburdened agents. Users assign agents to pools and pools are assigned to resources, just like lone agents. When an agent pool is assigned to a resource, work items are sent to eligible agents. If you don't use a pool, then the agent that is assigned to the resource is assigned all the processing work regardless of its current workload. Such a workload might lead to bottlenecks.Note: Starting in IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy 7.0.3, there is a new agent pool algorithm which will assign the workload to the most available
agents in the pool. Prior to IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy 7.0.3 agents were assigned the work at random.
Creating an agent pool
To create an agent pool, specify the agents that are the members of the
Managing agent pools
You can manage agent pools from the web interface.