Creating z/OS component versions from JCL

To create IBM® z/OS® component versions from job control language (JCL), create and submit JCL to run the command.

Note: The JCL to run is changed in IBM UrbanCode® Deploy 6.2.5 to use the BPXBATCH utility. The JCL created before version 6.2.5 needs to be updated to follow the format in the new example.
  1. Create a JCL file in a partitioned data set and base the file on the sample in the high_level_qualifier.SBUZSAMP(BUZRJCL) file.
  2. Use the createzosversion command to create the component version.
    Table 1. Arguments for the buztool createzosversion command
    Parameter Required Description
    -c true The component name in IBM UrbanCode Deploy. The component name can contain only letters, numbers, and spaces.
    -v false The name of the version to create. If a version is not specified, a version name is generated from the current time stamp. The version name can contain only letters, numbers, and spaces.
    -s true The location of the ship list file.
    -verb false To display a trace log, set this parameter to true. If verbose is specified with no value, it is assumed true. This value should always be set to false in all environments, unless additional logging is needed for a specific need. Setting this to true, can cause out of memory errors, if the log generated is immense.
    -o false The full path name of the file where the output of the version creation is written.
    -t false The type of the version to create. Set to full to create a full version. Default is incremental.
    -ar false The full path of the external artifact repository property file. Use this parameter if the artifacts have to be stored in an external artifactory other than Codestation.
    -to false Provides the UCD token used to authenticate the UCD server. This token can be created by UCD user who has access to create versions in the corresponding component. If the token is not provided, buztool takes the token from the <agent_home>/conf/> server.token value to authenticate.
    -prop false The full path of the buztool properties file. The buztool property file contains deployType to copyType mappings. Use this parameter to pass details of external repository . See The buztool properties file, for more information.
    For example, the following command creates a new version in the CICSModules component:
    /opt/ibm-ucd/agent/bin/ "createzosversion" "-c" "CICSModules" "-v"
            "fixbug100" "-s" "/u/ucduser/build/shiplist.xml"
    As shown, you must enclose all arguments in double quotation marks.
  3. Modify the sample file to reflect your system configuration.
  4. Submit the JCL.
The content that the ship list file specifies is available in a component in IBM UrbanCode Deploy.