Provisioning environments from the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server (through OpenStack Heat)

You can create application environments in the IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy server by using blueprints from the blueprint designer.

When you model application environments in the blueprint designer, the blueprints you create appear in two places on the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server: as blueprints and as application processes. Therefore, there are two ways to apply a blueprint for a cloud that you connect to through OpenStack Heat to an IBM UrbanCode Deploy environment:
  • You can create an environment from the blueprint. In this case, the blueprint creates the environment and runs the application process on the new environment.
  • You can run the application process on an existing environment. In this case, the blueprint behaves like an application process.
The following steps cover creating an environment from a blueprint. To run a blueprint on an existing environment as though the blueprint was an application process, seeUpdating environments.
  1. On the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server, click Applications, select an application, and then click Create New Environment.
    The Create New Environment window opens.
  2. Give the environment a name.
  3. In the Blueprint field, select the blueprint.
    Note: Blueprints with a cloud icon are OpenStack Heat blueprints and are managed on the blueprint designer. Blueprints without a cloud icon are managed through the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server.
  4. Specify the rest of the information that is needed to create a new environment, such as the cloud project and region to use, and then click Next.
    For more information, see Creating environments.
  5. In the Blueprint Version field, specify the version of the blueprint to use.
    The default version for all blueprints is 1.0.
  6. Optional: In the Configuration field, specify the configuration file to use.
  7. Optional: If you selected a configuration file, in the Configuration Version field, specify the version of that file to use.
  8. Optional: Customize the property values for the blueprint.
    For example, in most cases, specify the zone for the environment in the availability_zone field.

    For some clouds, click Image Parameters and then specify the flavor for the environment images in the Flavor field. If the list of flavors does not contain the flavors that you expect, make sure that you registered the flavors with the cloud discovery service. See Configuring SoftLayer image flavors or Configuring VMware vCenter image flavors.

    In most cases, you select an SSH key by name in the Key Name field under Image Parameters. However, for VMware clouds, paste the contents of the SSH public key in this field.

  9. Click Create.
The blueprint design server provisions the cloud resources and creates an application environment in IBM UrbanCode Deploy. Then, the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server runs the component processes that are listed in the blueprint.