You can create a configuration file to store the default timeout values for the blueprint
designer to use with IBM® UrbanCode® Deploy agent,
process, and server communication variables.
When you provision images that contain IBM UrbanCode Deploy
components, you must allow time for the server to respond. You provide timeout values to specify how
long to wait for agents to install, for component processes to complete, and for the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server to
return REST API calls to the blueprint designer. You can create a configuration file to store these
timeout values, and the values that you set are applied to each blueprint that you provision. If you
do not create a configuration file, you can specify these timeout values in the IBM UrbanCode Deploy resources
of each blueprint that you provision. See IBM UrbanCode Deploy resource types. If you create a configuration file and specify timeout values in the blueprint, when you
provision, the blueprint designer uses the timeout values that you specify in the
On the computer that hosts the Heat engine, create a configuration file.
In the
/usr/lib/heat/ibm-sw-orch/heat/ folder, create a file that is
user_settings.conf. Use the following template for the
"agent": 300,
"component_process": 300,
"ucd_client": 300,
"agent_subgroup": 30,
"sleep_delay": 10,
appropriate values, in seconds, for the parameters. In the previous example, the values for the
component_process, and
timeout timeouts are each set to 300 seconds.
Update the timeout for your cloud projects.
If the sum of the agent and component_process values
is greater than the stack timeout value for a cloud project, you must update the stack
Click .
Select a cloud.
In the Timeout in Mins field, specify the amount of time in minutes to
wait for a provision request to be completed.
Click Save.