Working with the COBOL APIs for Code Review

The Custom Rules API for COBOL Code Review and the COBOL Application Model API are complementary. Some knowledge of both is required to implement a user-written rule.
  • The Custom Rules API for COBOL Code Review API provides the base class for user-written rules and includes useful classes for manipulating the objects in the COBOL Application Model (CAM).

  • The COBOL Application Model (CAM) API provides interfaces for accessing the elements of a COBOL source code program when the program is analyzed by the COBOL Code Review component.
    Tip: The Javadoc information for this API includes a guide to using the API. To find the guide, open the Javadoc information, look at the first topic, which is titled "Package", and read the "Description" section at the end of the topic.
For a guide to implementing the code analysis of a COBOL user-written rule, see the related links.