Commands and parameters in IBM z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard


In ISPF Edit or Browse, after you use EQAJCL invoke IBM z/OS® Debugger JCL Wizard. The following options are available in z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard Option Selection panel:
Creates JCL to invoke z/OS Debugger by using the remote debugger in an Eclipse IDE with the workstation TCP/IP address.
Creates JCL to invoke z/OS Debugger by using the remote debugger in an Eclipse IDE with Debug Manager.
Creates JCL to invoke z/OS Debugger by using the Terminal Interface Manager. The Terminal Interface Manager is a 3270 interface.
Removes the JCL created by the IBM z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard.
Creates JCL to invoke z/OS Debugger by using delayed debug mode. This mode is generally used with a special STEPLIB library that is required in your JCL. Delayed debug mode allows the first invocation of z/OS Debugger to be at a subprogram.
Creates code coverage information for programs that are compiled with Enterprise COBOL or Enterprise PL/I. This option requests z/OS Debugger Code Coverage invocation without an interactive debug session. To gather code coverage in a debug session, use T and then select Code Coverage from the parameters panel.


In the parameters panels, the following parameters are available:
  • Debugger Libs: Required by some programs to identify where the side file information is located.
  • LDD Programs: Required by non-Language Environment® programs to generate a Load Debug Data (LDD) command for the program.
  • At Entry: Set breakpoints at subprograms by using the AT ENTRY command.
  • Automonitor on: Automatically monitor variables.
  • Intercept on: Show COBOL DISPLAY statements in the Terminal Interface Manager log or Debug Console in the Eclipse IDE.
  • Warning off: Allow variable changes for optimized programs.
  • SVC Screening: Required when a Language Environment program calls non-Language Environment assembler programs in non-CICS environments.
  • Code Coverage: Enable code coverage.
  • z/OS Debugger Log: Add a DD statement to capture the IBM® z/OS Debugger log. This parameter is available only for Terminal Interface Manager (T).
  • Show Comments: Show instructions to view subprogram source information. You can select to show comments that depict how to set breakpoints in a subprogram before invocation.