Enlarging a physical window

You can enlarge a physical window to full screen by using the WINDOW ZOOM command or a PF key. To enlarge a physical window by using the WINDOW ZOOM command, type in WINDOW ZOOM, followed by the name of the physical window you want to enlarge, then press Enter. To reduce the physical window back to its original size, enter the WINDOW ZOOM command again. For example, if you want to enlarge the physical window that is displaying the Monitor window, enter the command WINDOW ZOOM. To reduce the size of that physical window back to its original size, enter the command WINDOW ZOOM.

To enlarge a physical window by using a PF key, move the cursor into the physical window that you want to enlarge, then press the PF10 (ZOOM) key. For example, if you want to enlarge the physical window that is displaying the Source window, move your cursor somewhere into the Source window, then press the PF10 (ZOOM) key. To reduce the size of that physical window back to its original size, press the PF10 (ZOOM) key.

Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic.

  • Related references
  • WINDOW command in IBM® z/OS® Debugger Reference and Messages