Displaying values in hexadecimal format

You can display the value of a variable in hexadecimal format by entering the LIST %HEX command or defining a PF key with the LIST %HEX command. For PL/I programs, to display the value of a variable in hexadecimal format, use the PL/I built-in function HEX. For more information about the PL/I HEX built-in function, see Enterprise PL/I for z/OS®: Programming Guide. If you display a PL/I variable in hexadecimal format, you cannot edit the value of the variable by typing over the existing value in the Monitor window.

To display the value of a variable in hexadecimal format, enter one of the following commands, substituting variable-name with the name of your variable:

  • For PL/I programs: LIST HEX(variable-name) ;
  • For all other programs: LIST %HEX(variable-name) ;

z/OS Debugger displays the value of the variable variable-name in hexadecimal format.

If you defined a PF key with the LIST %HEX command, do the following steps:

  1. If the variable is not displayed in the Source window, scroll through your program until the variable you want is displayed in the Source window.
  2. Move your cursor to the variable name.
  3. Press the PF key to which you defined LIST %HEX command. z/OS Debugger displays the value of the variable variable-name in hexadecimal format.

You cannot define a PF key with the PL/I HEX built-in function.