Installing and customizing z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard
The z/OS® Debugger JCL Wizard is an ISPF edit macro, EQAJCL, that can be used by a user to modify a JCL or procedure member to create statements that will invoke z/OS Debugger in various environments.
- Add the library hlq.SEQAMOD to the link list of z/OS LPARs where the modified JCL or procedure will be run.
- Add the library hlq.SEQAMOD to the //STEPLIB or //JOBLIB statement of the step or job that will be debugged.
Installation of the EQAJCL ISPF macro and its ISPF panels
The z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard contains an ISPF edit macro and a set of ISPF panels.
Installation to libraries allocated to the TSO Logon procedure.
Use one of these two methods:- Use Method 2 in Choosing a method to start IBM z/OS Debugger Utilities.
- Use a subset of Method 2 in Choosing a method to start IBM z/OS Debugger Utilities where you only include or copy hlq.SEQAEXEC into the SYSPROC or SYSEXEC DD.
Installation by using a local REXX exec to point to the z/OS Debugger libraries.
Select a command name that you do not currently use (for example, DEBUG), and install a REXX exec by that name into an existing data set in your TSO Logon procedure's SYSEXEC or SYSPROC DDs. The REXX exec should look like this (with hlq being changed to the high level qualifier that you use for the z/OS Debugger libraries):/* This REXX exec will invoke the z/OS Debugger EQAJCL ISPF macro */ "EXEC 'hlq.SEQAEXEC(EQAJCL)'" EXIT
Customizing the data set names and other values in EQAJCL
You must modify member EQAJCL of the hlq.SEQAEXEC data set to specify the data set names that you chose at installation time. Edit the EQAJCL1 member and follow the directions in the member's prologue for site customization of data set names.
Enabling Code Coverage
z/OS Debugger Code Coverage measures test case code coverage in application programs that are written in COBOL, PL/I and C and compiled with certain compilers and compiler options. You must define the code coverage libraries xxxx.xxxx.CCPRGSEL and xxxx.xxxx.CCOUTPUT in the EQAOPTS member residing in hlq.SEQAMOD, or dynamically using an EQAOPTS DD statement. If the variable CODE_COVERAGE_SETUP is set to YES, the z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard automatically adds these statements to your JCL. Therefore, system programmers do not need to change the EQAOPTS member in hlq.SEQAMOD.
For more information about the compilation requirements for Code Coverage, refer to the IBM® z/OS Debugger User's Guide.
The z/OS Debugger JCL Wizard creates Code Coverage commands to run either with or without an interactive debug session.
SMP/E USERMODsin the IBM z/OS Debugger Customization Guide for an SMP/E USERMOD for this customization.