Example: using CEETEST to start z/OS Debugger from PL/I
The following examples show how to use the Language Environment® callable
to start z/OS® Debugger from
PL/I programs. - Example 1
- No command string is passed to z/OS Debugger at its
invocation and no feedback code is returned. After it gains control, z/OS Debugger becomes
active and prompts you for commands or reads them from a commands
CALL CEETEST(*,*); ⁄* omit arguments *⁄
- Example 2
- A command string is passed to z/OS Debugger at its
invocation and the feedback code is returned. After it gains control, z/OS Debugger becomes
active and executes the command string. Barring any further interruptions,
the program runs to completion, where z/OS Debugger prompts
for further commands.
DCL ch char(50) init('AT STATEMENT 10 DO; LIST(x); LIST(y); END; GO;'); DCL 1 fb, 5 Severity Fixed bin(15), 5 MsgNo Fixed bin(15), 5 flags, 8 Case bit(2), 8 Sev bit(3), 8 Ctrl bit(3), 5 FacID Char(3), 5 I_S_info Fixed bin(31); DCL CEETEST ENTRY ( CHAR(*) VAR OPTIONAL, 1 optional , 254 real fixed bin(15), ⁄* MsgSev *⁄ 254 real fixed bin(15), ⁄* MSGNUM *⁄ 254 ⁄* Flags *⁄, 255 bit(2), ⁄* Flags_Case *⁄ 255 bit(3), ⁄* Flags_Severity *⁄ 255 bit(3), ⁄* Flags_Control *⁄ 254 char(3), ⁄* Facility_ID *⁄ 254 fixed bin(31) ) ⁄* I_S_Info *⁄ options(assembler) ; CALL CEETEST(ch, fb);
- Example 3
- This example assumes that you use predefined function prototypes
and macros by including
, and predefined feedback code constants and macros by includingCEEIBMCT
.A command string is passed to z/OS Debugger that sets a breakpoint on every tenth executed statement. Once a breakpoint is reached, z/OS Debugger displays the current location information and continues the execution. After the
call, the feedback code is checked for proper execution.Note: The feedback code returned is either CEE000 or CEE2F2. There is no way to check the result of the execution of the command passed.%INCLUDE CEEIBMAW; %INCLUDE CEEIBMCT; DCL 01 FC FEEDBACK; ⁄* if CEEIBMCT is NOT included, the following DECLARES need to be provided: ---------- comment start ------------- Declare CEEIBMCT Character(8) Based; Declare ADDR Builtin; %DCL FBCHECK ENTRY; %FBCHECK: PROC( fbtoken, condition ) RETURNS( CHAR ); DECLARE fbtoken CHAR; condition CHAR; RETURN('(ADDR('||fbtoken||')–>CEEIBMCT = '||condition||')'); %END FBCHECK; %ACT FBCHECK; ---------- comment end --------------- *⁄ Call CEETEST('AT Every 10 STATEMENT * Do; Q Loc; Go; End;'|| 'List AT;', FC); If ¬FBCHECK(FC, CEE000) Then Put Skip List('––––> ERROR! in CEETEST call', FC.MsgNo);