Code coverage Options data set

The code coverage Options file contains information that is provided as input to the z/OS® Debugger Code Coverage engine. The file contains the following XML tags. You can manually code the tags or use DTU option E.2 to create them.

  • <GROUPID1>: Group ID 1

    If you want to group observations to form a set based on the characteristics of the applications, you can use this tag.

  • <GROUPID2>: Group ID 2

    If you want a subgroup for the observation to form a subset based on the characteristics of the application, you can use this tag. During the analysis of the observations, the user can sort based on the grouping.

  • <EXTNAME>: Name of the program (COBOL PROGRAM-ID, PL/I external procedure name or C short CU name) that is targeted for code coverage.

    You can use a wildcard (*) either at the end of the name string, or you can use only the wildcard if you want all programs in the application to be covered. The DTU option E.2 panel allows up to 8 names. You can hand code more in the Options data set if you need.

Here is an example of an Options file in XML rendering. In this example, the Options file indicates that z/OS Debugger collects code coverage observations for programs COB01A, COB01B, COBO1C, and COBO1D. z/OS Debugger marks the observations as part of GROUP ID 1 PAYROLL and GROUP ID 2 TEST02.