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Debug Profile Service diagnostics

  • Debug Profile Service uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate the success or failure of the API call. If a failure occurs, the response contains a JSON body with an IBM message ID, which can be used to look-up more information about the error in Debug Profile Service messages.
  • Debug Profile Service produces debug, information, and error logs that can be managed in eqaprof.env. All logs are written in the server's job standard output (STDOUT).
  • IBM z/OS Liberty Embedded server unifies logging and tracing with a feature known as First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) services. It collects information about an event that might lead up to a failure. The FFDC logs are written in the work directory: "${WRKDIR}"/eqaProfile/logs/ffdc, where:
    • "${WRKDIR}" is defined in EQAW.SEQASAMP(EQAPROF).
    • The eqaProfile/logs directory is created when the IBM z/OS Liberty Embedded server is started, if it does not exist.
    • The ffdc directory is created when an exception occurs, if it does not exist. You can clean log files in the ffdc directory if there are too many.
  • Debug Profile Service has successfully deployed if it logs that Debug Profile Service API and IMS Transaction Isolation Service API have started in the job standard output (STDOUT).
  • Use the Debug Profile Service API discovery endpoint in a web browser of your choice to produce a single manual HTTP request to the server, if in doubt whether the server is not running or cannot fulfill a request. The discovery endpoint is in the form of <protocol>://<hostname>:<port>/<context_path>/profile/dtcn, and it queries the contents in the dtcn.ports file. If the server fulfills the discovery endpoint request, then it responds back with a JSON body that contains {"hostname":"<hostname>","apiversion":"<version>,"regions": <a list of regions defined in dtcn.ports file>}.
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