Viewing coverage information in the tree view

In the tree view, the files, modules, and flow points are displayed in a hierarchical view. You can view the source code of any node in this view.

In the code coverage report, click the Tree view (Tree view) icon.

You can view the data grouped by files, modules, or flow points.
Switch among Files, Modules and Flow points views.
  • In the Files view, all files are displayed. You can click a file to see objects or programs under the file, and then flow points.
  • In the Modules view, data is grouped by the top-level modules. You can click a module to see compile units or object modules under the module, and then files and flow points.
  • In the Flow points view, all the lowest-level flow points are listed.
    A flow point is a named group of statements in a program. Execution of the program can flow into and out of a flow point many times, or possibly not at all. Flow points can be called differently in various languages, for example:
    • For COBOL programs, flow points can be sections, paragraphs, compile units, or user-defined functions.
    • For PL/I programs, flow points can be procedures.
    • For C/C++ programs, flow points can be functions or classes.
    • For Java programs, flow points can be classes or methods.
Each node displays the coverage percentage and is highlighted with a color to indicate the status according to the thresholds you specified on the File Analysis Defaults preference page that can be opened by clicking the drop-down menu icon in the Code Coverage Results view.
  • Passed (green): the coverage percentage is greater than or equal to the warning threshold.
  • Warning (yellow): the coverage percentage is smaller than the warning threshold, but larger than or equal to the failure threshold. By default, the warning threshold is 90.
  • Failed (red): the coverage is smaller than the failure threshold. By default, the failure threshold is 80.
You can customize the bar colors on the Colors and Fonts preference page.
This image shows the Color and Fonts preference page.
When you hover over a node, the following information is displayed for the item:
  • Status: Whether this item is of Pass, Warning, Fail.
  • Coverage: The percentage of executable lines that are covered for the item.
  • Uncovered : The number of lines that are not executed in the item.
  • Covered: The number of lines that are executed in the item.
  • Executable: The number of executable lines in the item.
You can click a node to view the children items under it.
View the children items.
In the tree view, you can click the name next to any node to open the source in the editor.
View the source.
Click the Expand All (Expand All) icon to display the whole hierarchy and Collapse All (Collapse All) icon to hide the hierarchy.
Expand all the nodes and collapse the nodes.
Tip: To view all the items, click the Expand All (Expand All) icon in the Files view. On windows, you can press Ctrl+F to find an item.
Use the Zoom in (Zoom in) and Zoom out (Zoom out) icons to adjust the scale. Click the Reset (Reset) icon to restore to the default size.
Zoom in and out.
To filter the items with a coverage percentage less value than or equal to a certain percentage, in the Show coverage slider, adjust the slider bar or enter a value in the field. Any item that does not meet the criteria is greyed out. You can choose whether to hide or display filtered items. By default, the filtered items are hidden unless it has children items that meet the criteria.
Filter the items.