Remote debugging with an Eclipse IDE

When you develop programs in the workbench, you use the Debug perspective to handle debugging with either a z/OS® debug engine or a workstation debug engine.

  • You use a z/OS debug engine to debug host applications.
  • You use a z/OS debug engine to debug code in an MVS subproject, which must be in an online state. You can also use a workstation debug engine to debug code in a local project.
    • Local project debugging is not available in IBM® Debug for z/OS.
    • MVS subprojects are not supported in IBM Debug for z/OS.
    • For more information about the limitation on different operating systems, see Platform limitations.

Before you begin to debug applications, verify the setting of the Build (if required) before launching debug option:

  1. Open the Preferences window.
  2. In the left pane of the Preferences window, expand Run/Debug and click Launching.
  3. Look for Build (if required) before launching. If this option remains in the default state, which is selected, any time you debug or run a compiled application, compilations are run resulting in performance degradation. You might want to clear the option and manually build the code that you want to debug before you start a debugging session or run an application.