Debugging OS PL/I programs

There are restrictions on how you can debug OS PL/I programs, which are described in Using CODE/370 with VS COBOL II and OS PL/I, SC09-1862-01.

The OS PL/I compiler does not place the name of the listing data set in the object (load module). z/OS® Debugger tries to find the listing data set in the following location: userid.CUName.LIST. If the listing is in a PDS, direct z/OS Debugger to the location of the PDS in one of the following ways:
  • In full-screen mode, enter the following command:
    SET DEFAULT LISTINGS my.listing.pds
  • Use the EQADEBUG DD statement to define the location of the data set.
  • Code the EQAUEDAT user exit with the location of the data set.