Creating the EQALANGX file for LangX COBOL programs
Use the EQALANGX program to create the EQALANGX file. The EQALANGX program is an alias of IPVLANGX, which is shipped as part of the ADFz Common Components. It is in IPV.SIPVMODA. It is the same as the IDILANGX alias that Fault Analyzer uses and the CAZLANGX alias that Application Performance Analyzer uses. The module names can be used interchangeably.
For further information about the xxxLANGX program, look for IDILANGX in the Fault Analyzer User's Guide and Reference. For return codes and messages, look for IPVLANGX in the IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide.
To create the EQALANGX file, do the following steps:
- Create JCL similar to the following:
The following list describes the variables used in this example and the parameters you can use with the EQALANGX program:
- The COBOL parameter indicates that a LangX COBOL module is being processed.
- The ERROR parameter is suggested, but optional. If you specify it, additional information is displayed when an error is detected.
- The LOUD parameter is suggested, but optional. If you specify it, additional informational and statistical messages are displayed.
- 64K CREF
- The 64K and CREF parameters are optional. Previously, these options were required.
The messages displayed by specifying the ERROR and LOUD parameters are Write To Operator or Write To Programmer (WTO or WTP) messages. See the IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide for detailed information about the messages and return codes displayed by the IPVLANGX program.
- The name of the data set that contains the ADFz Common Components load
modules. If the ADFz Common Components load
modules are in a system linklib data set, you can omit the following
- yourid.langxcompiler.listing
- The name of the listing data set generated by the IBM OS/VS COBOL, IBM VS COBOL II, or IBM Enterprise COBOL compiler. If this is a partitioned data set, the member name must be specified. For information about the characteristics of this data set, see IBM OS/VS COBOL Compiler and Library Programmer's Guide, VS COBOL II Application Programming Guide for MVS and CMS, or Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Programming Guide.
- yourid.EQALANGX
- The name of the data set where the EQALANGX debug file is to be
placed. This data set must have variable block record format (RECFM=VB)
and a logical record length of 1562 (LRECL=1562).
z/OS Debugger searches for the EQALANGX debug file in a partitioned data set with the name yourid.EQALANGX and a member name that matches the name of the program. If you want the member name of the EQALANGX debug file to match the name of the program, you do not need to specify a member name on the DD statement.
- Submit the JCL and verify that the EQALANGX file is created in the location you specified on the IDILANGX DD statement.