Source window

 1 SOURCE: MULTCU ---1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+ LINE: 70 OF 85
       70        PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                           .
       71       ************************************************************** .
       72       * THIS IS THE MAIN PROGRAM AREA.  This program only displays   .
       73       *         text. 3                                              .
       74       ************************************************************** .

       76            MOVE 25 TO PROGRAM-USHORT-BIN.                            .
       77            MOVE -25 TO PROGRAM-SSHORT-BIN.                           . 4 
       78            PERFORM TEST-900.                                         .
       79            PERFORM TEST-1000.                                        .
       80            DISPLAY "MULTCU COBOL SOURCE ENDED." UPON CONSOLE.        .
The Source window displays the source file or listing. The Source window has four parts, described below.
 1  Header area
Identifies the window, shows the compile unit name, and shows the current position in the source or listing.
 2  Prefix area
Occupies the left-most eight columns of the Source window. Contains statement numbers or line numbers you can use when referring to the statements in your program. You can use the prefix area to set, display, and remove breakpoints with the prefix commands AT, CLEAR, ENABLE, DISABLE, QUERY, and SHOW.
 3  Source display area
Shows the source code (for a C and C++ program), the source listing (for a COBOL, LangX COBOL, or PL/I program), a pseudo assembler listing (for an assembler program), or the disassembly view (for programs without debug information) for the currently qualified program unit. If the current executable statement is in the source display area, it is highlighted.
 4  Suffix area
A narrow, variable-width column at the right of the screen that z/OS® Debugger uses to display frequency counts. It is only as wide as the largest count it must display.

The suffix area is optional. To show the suffix area, enter SET SUFFIX ON. To hide the suffix area, enter SET SUFFIX OFF. You can also set it on or off with the Source Listing Suffix field in the Profile Settings panel.

The labeled header line for each window contains a scale and a line counter. If you scroll a window horizontally, the scale also scrolls to indicate the columns displayed in the window. The line counter indicates the line number at the top of a window and the total number of lines in that window. If you scroll a window vertically, the line counter reflects the top line number currently displayed in that window.

Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic.