Working with mapped memory
You can use the Memory view to monitor memory for expressions, variables, and registers by memory map.
About this task
To view mapped memory in a monitor that you have added to the Memory view:
- Set columns in the Memory view Renderings pane. You can show or hide columns by right-clicking inside the pane and selecting Choose Columns from the pop-up menu. In the resulting dialog box, select the columns that you want to display and then click OK. You can also move columns in the view by dragging and dropping them.
- If necessary, use the scroll bar of the rendering to view fields. Alternatively, right-click in the monitor and choose the Find Field pop-up menu item. For more information about finding fields, see the related topic.
- If you want, set the rendering to show or hide types. To do this, right-click in the memory map monitor and select Show Types or Hide Types from the pop-up menu.
- If you want, change the representation of memory contents for the field that you are viewing. To do this, right-click the field or its value and select Representation > <representation format> from the pop-up menu.
- Choose the desired display type for the values in the Offset column by right-clicking in the Renderings pane and selecting .
- For easier viewing, you can group memory fields and set filters for these groups. For information about grouping mapping layout fields, see the related topic.
You can monitor multiple variables, expressions, and registers in the Memory view - and multiple map renderings may be added for a single memory monitor. You can also add multiple Memory views to the workbench. In the Memory view Monitors pane, each variable, expression, or register that you have added is listed. In the Renderings pane, only the memory rendering(s) for the currently-selected monitor in the Memory view is displayed (multiple renderings are separated by tabs or a split pane).