Setting memory map preferences

In the memory map preferences, you can set the memory map location. In addition, you can indicate if you want the debugger to prompt you when you choose to remove all groups when you are working in the Manage Groups dialog. You can also set the map to be built before finding fields.

About this task

The product that you installed the debugger with may include a <product installation directory>\plugins\<platform>.samples\samples sample memory map directory, where <product installation directory> is the directory where you installed this product. If the product includes this directory, the debugger looks for memory maps in it by default. Otherwise, the default memory map directory can be found in the memory map preferences. The memory map directory must contain a layout.dtd file, which is required by the Memory view. You can change the memory map location, however, if you do, you must copy a layout.dtd file to the new memory map location (if you export a map to this location, the export procedure will automatically generate a layout.dtd for you). This file must always reside in the memory map location.

Note: A layout.dtd file may also be available at the download site for the product that you installed this debugger with. If a layout.dtd is not available with the product that you installed this debugger with, you can create a layout.dtd file as described in Defining a mapping layout.

To have the debugger find memory maps that you have created, you can add your memory maps to the default directory or you can change the location of memory maps to point to another directory as follows (be sure that this other directory contains a copy of the layout.dtd file):


  1. In the Memory view, click the down-arrow icon and choose Memory Map Preferences from the menu.
  2. In the Memory Map Preferences dialog box, enter or browse for the memory map location that you want to set in the Memory Maps Location field.
    • If the product that you are running this debugger with ships the Remote System Explorer, the memory maps location settings are made in this dialog box in the Memory Maps Location section. In this section, you can enter or browse for a location on a remote server. To do this, choose the Profile and Connection that is associated with the memory map location (if you do not specify a profile and/or none exists in the workspace, then the filename entered in the Directory field will be treated as a local file and will not be associated with any profile). Then specify the memory map location folder in the Directory field. When you map memory, you will be presented with a list of the maps that reside in the specified location. If this location is remote, an attempt will be made to connect to the remote server to retrieve the list of available maps. If the Map option is selected, this will allow you to browse for a map on both remote and local systems. If the selected map file is on a remote system, any remote files that are required will be cached on the local system.
    • If you change the default memory map location, you can easily set it back to the product default value by clicking the Memory Map Preferences dialog box Restore Defaults push button.
  3. If you want to control the size of the memory block that is retrieved, complete the Minimum memory block retrieval size in bytes and Maximum memory block retrieval size in bytes fields. When a block of memory is retrieved, it is divided into segments that are as large as the minimum memory block retrieval size. Retrieval requests are then consolidated up to the maximum memory block retrieval size.
    • If the specified maximum memory block retrieval size exceeds the maximum size that is supported by the debugger engine, the maximum size that is supported by the debugger engine will be used.
    • If you notice performance problems while mapping memory, increasing the minimum block size may help. For large, contiguous maps, a larger value for the minimum block size will improve performance.
  4. Select the Prompt when removing all groups check box if you want to receive a prompt when removing all groups.
  5. Choose whether or not you want to receive a prompt to preserve or discard grouping and description information before rebuilding a map. If this check box is not selected, the last save/discard action will be remembered (for example, the information will be saved if it was for the last map rebuild).
  6. Indicate if you want the XML map file to be saved when groups and descriptions are changed in the rendering. If this check box is selected, the rendering is rebuilt when you make changes - and any renderings in the Memory view that use the related XML file are rebuilt.
  7. To build the map before opening the Find Field dialog box, select the Automatically build the map before opening the Find Field dialog check box. If this check box is not selected, only those elements that have already been built (or expanded) in the map will display in the Find Field dialog box. By default, this check box is selected.
  8. Enter the setting of your choice for receiving a warning message when the export of a map will affect other memory renderings.


When you map memory, the list of available maps that is presented to you are maps that reside in the memory map location. Similarly, when you map memory using the Map action, you are prompted to locate the map in this location - however, with this action, you can also browse elsewhere on your local system for memory maps. If you do browse elsewhere on your local system, and choose a map from this location, the location will become the default memory map location.
Note: If the product that you are running this debugger with ships the Remote System Explorer, you can browse for a map on a remote or local system. If you choose a map from a different location on a remote or local system, the location will become the default memory map location.