Scenario D: Running IMSplex environment

Do the following steps to enable this scenario:

  1. Include the z/OS® Debugger hlq.SEQAMOD1 data set and the Language Environment® CEE.SCEERUN runtime library in the STEPLIB concatenation of the IMS MPR or MPP region running your program.
  2. To give IMS users enough time to run and debug their applications, increase the time-out limit in the message-processing region (MPR) region to 1440.

  3. If you are using a user exit and you need to change the naming pattern of the data set containing the user's TEST runtime options, see the following topics for details:

    The user can use DTU option 'z/OS Debugger User Exit Data Set' to set the TEST runtime options they want.

1 Add hlq.SEQAMOD to STEPLIB only if it is not already in the system search path (for example, link list). If you create a custom EQAOPTS (as described in EQAOPTS commands) that is not stored in hlq.SEQAMOD, then place the data set containing it in STEPLIB (ahead of hlq.SEQAMOD if it is in STEPLIB). hlq.SEQAMOD must be placed before any other library in the STEPLIB that contains CEEEVDBG for z/OS Debugger to get control of a debug session.