Adding support for remote debug users
If you have users running z/OS® Debugger in remote debug mode, review the following list and complete the applicable tasks:
- Create an OMVS segment for each user ID that uses the remote debugger.
- If your TCP/IP stack name is not TCPIP, you can use the TCPIPDATADSN EQAOPTS command to instruct z/OS Debugger to dynamically allocate the correct SYSTCPD DD.
- If the source or compiler uses a code page other than 037, see CODEPAGE.
- If you want z/OS Debugger to switch to full-screen mode or batch mode if the remote debugger is not available, see NODISPLAY.
- For your CICS users, see Activating the TCP/IP Socket Interface for CICS.
- With Debug Manager, remote Eclipse users do not need to open an outgoing port for the debug daemon on the z/OS system, or supply an IP address and port for debugging. For the differences between using Debug Manager and Debug Daemon port 8001, see TCP/IP ports. For more information, see Enabling communication with Debug Manager and Understanding Debug Manager.
- To enable interactive debugging in IBM Z® Open Debug, see Adding support for Remote Debug Service.
- If your users create and manage debug profiles in the z/OS Debugger Profiles view, see Adding support for Debug Profile Service. For your CICS users, you can set up Debug Profile Service to use external CICS interface (EXCI) or add support for the DTCN profiles API.
- To enable secure communication for incoming debug and code coverage sessions in the remote Eclipse IDE, see Enabling secure communication between z/OS Debugger and the remote debugger for incoming debug sessions.
- Related references
Remote debug mode
in the IBM® z/OS Debugger User's Guide