Terminal connects to a TOR which routes the application to an AOR; debugging profiles managed by DTCN

In this scenario, your terminal (TRMC) connects to a TOR, which uses a CICS® transaction to route the application you want to debug to an AOR. The debugging profiles are managed by DTCN and are stored in a temporary storage queue (EQADTCN2) located in a queue-owning region (QOR). You can run the DTCN transaction in any of the regions.

.---------------.     .---------------.      .---------------.
| 3270 terminal |     | 3270 terminal |      | 3270 terminal |
|               |     |               |      |               |
|    TRMA       |     |     TRMB      |      |     TRMC      |
'------,--------'     '-------,-------'      '-,-------------'
       |                      |                |
       |                      |                |
       '-----------------,    |   ,-----------'
                         |    |   |
                         |    |   |
                     |               |
                     |      TOR      |
                     |               |
                         |   |   |
                         |   |   |
                  ,------'   |   '------,
                  |          |          |
          .-------'-------.  |   .------'--------.
          |      AOR      |  |   |      AOR      |
          |               |  |   |               |
          |   CICSAOR1    |  |   |   CICSAOR2    |
          |               |  |   |               |
          '---------------'  |   '---------------'
                  |          |           |
                  |          |           |
                  '------,   |    ,------'
                         |   |    |
                     |      QOR        |
                     |   EQADTCN2      |

For this scenario to work, the CICS system administrator must complete the following tasks for both AORs and the TOR:

Variation on this scenario: The temporary storage queue (EQADTCN2) does not need to be located in a QOR. It can be located in the TOR, any of the AORs, or in the coupling facility. Wherever you put the temporary storage queue, keep the following considerations in mind:
  • Place the queue where it can be accessed efficiently when the application programs begin, since it is referenced at that point to determine whether the program should be debugged.
  • The temporary storage queue is accessed by Function Shipping, so allocate a sufficient number of connections between the regions to handle READQ requests.