Separate terminal mode terminal connects to a TOR and application runs in an AOR

In this scenario, your terminal (TRMC) connects to a TOR and the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. You store a debugging profile into a repository using DTCN.
  2. The application starts. The profile matches the application so z/OS® Debugger is started.
  3. z/OS Debugger issues EXEC CICS® START of its display transaction (CDT#) on your terminal (TRMC). However, your terminal is not found. XICTENF/XALTENF identifies the TOR as the owner of your terminal (TRMC).
  4. CICS routes the START task to the TOR identified by XICTENF/XALTENF.
  5. Interval Control in the TOR associates the START task with your terminal (TRMC) and then routes the START task back to the AOR.
  6. CDT# establishes the communication between your terminal and the application through the TOR.
                                 | 3270 terminal |
                                 |               |
                                 |     TRMC      |
    |  TOR                              |                               |
    |                                   '---------------------,         |
    |                                                         |         |
                                .-------------------.         |
                                | Debugging profile |         |
                                |     repository    |         |
                                '-------,-----------'         |
    |  AOR                                                    |         |
    |                                                         |         |
    |                                                         |         |
    |  ,---------------------------------------------,     ,------,     |
    |  | Application runs, then z/OS Debugger issues }-----{ CDT# |     |
    |  | EXEC CICS START TRANS(CDT#) TERM(TRMC)      |     '------'     |
    |  '---------------------------------------------'                  |
    |                                                                   |

For this scenario to work, the CICS system administrator must complete the following tasks for the TOR:

  • If you are using DTCN to manage debugging profiles, do the following tasks:
  • Enable routing of the terminal traffic to the correct terminal by configuring the z/OS Debugger transaction CDT# as DYNAMIC(YES).
  • If your CICS region has a Temporary Storage Model (TSMODEL) that can make queues with a prefix of "CDT#" recoverable, you must create a TSMODEL that specifies PREFIX(CDT#) and RECOVERY(NO).

For this scenario to work, the CICS system administrator must complete the following tasks for the AOR:

  • If you are using DTCN to manage debugging profiles, do the following tasks:
  • To locate the terminal, do the following steps:
    • Code the CICS exits XICTENF and XALTENF so that the TOR is identified as the owner of the display terminal. The CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Customization Guide describes these exits.
    • Run a PLT program that enables the CICS exits XICTENF and XALTENF. The CICS Transaction Server for z/OS Customization Guide describes how to write and run a PLT.
    • Enable routing of the terminal traffic to the correct terminal by configuring the z/OS Debugger transaction CDT# as DYNAMIC(YES).
    • If your CICS region has a Temporary Storage Model (TSMODEL) that can make queues with a prefix of "CDT#" recoverable, you must create a TSMODEL that specifies PREFIX(CDT#) and RECOVERY(NO).