This option provides the data set name that contains the Code Coverage Options file (which specifies the Group IDs and the PROGRAM IDs of the COBOL routines that are to be processed). Specify NULLFILE if no Code Coverage Options file is to be read.

This dataset must be preallocated as a sequential dataset. RECFM=VB, LRECL=255 is suggested.

The following diagram describes the syntax of the CCPROGSELECTDSN command:

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramEQAXOPTCCPROGSELECTDSN, 'file_name_pattern' ,LOUD
Specifies a naming pattern that determines the name of the data set that contains this file. Follow these guidelines when you create the naming pattern:
  • Create a data set name that includes &&USERID. as one of the qualifiers. z/OS® Debugger substitutes the user ID of the current user for this qualifier when it determines the name of the data set.
  • Specify NULLFILE to indicate you do not want z/OS Debugger to process this file.
Specifies that z/OS Debugger displays WTO messages, which helps you debug processing done by this command. z/OS Debugger normally does not display any messages if it does not find the data set or data set member. If you are trying to determine why z/OS Debugger is not processing this file, specify LOUD to see if it displays a message that it can not find the data set.