LIST CURSOR command (full-screen mode)

Provides a cursor controlled method for displaying variables, structures, and arrays. It is most useful when assigned to a PF key.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramLISTCURSOR;

Usage notes

  • Cursor pointing can be used by typing the LIST CURSOR command on the command line and moving the cursor to a variable in the Source window before pressing Enter, or by moving the cursor and pressing a PF key with the LIST CURSOR command assigned to it.
  • When you use the LIST CURSOR command for a variable that is located by the cursor position, the variable's name nor its full qualification cannot be split across different lines of the source listing.
  • If the DATA option of the PLAYBACK ENABLE command is in effect for the current compile unit, the LIST CURSOR command can be used while you replay recorded statements by using the PLAYBACK commands.
  • For optimized COBOL programs, you cannot use the LIST CURSOR command to display the value of variables discarded by the optimizer.


  • Display the value of the variable at the current cursor position.
  • A COBOL program has a statement of the form:
    MOVE a TO b
    OF c
    You cannot use the LIST CURSOR on the variable b because part of its qualification (OF c) is on the next line.